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Music From Salem Spring Concert - Sunday, April 27, 2025 at 4:00 pm


Franz Schubert                        Trio in B-flat Major for piano, violin and cello, Op. 99, D898
Frank Bridge                              Phantasy Piano Quartet
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart      Sonata for Piano and Violin No. 17, in C Major, K.296
Manuel Ponce                              Petite Suite dans le Style Ancien, for string trio

Performers:Saul Bitran, violin; Lila Brown, viola; Miron Lutzke, cello; Sally Pinkas, piano

Music from Salem brings together musicians of international reputation to prepare and perform chamber music in the peace and beauty of rural Washington County, New York, and environs. Chamber music is classical music written for a small group of performers, and includes a range of styles, from the 18th century to today. Music from Salem also leads educational workshops and conducts violin, viola, and cello seminars for emerging young artists.

Ticket Price: $30

*If you cannot pay $30, please call Hubbard Hall at 518-677-2495 to book a Pay What You Can ticket at another price.

Learn more about Music from Salem here

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